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Plan A.

Writer's picture: B. LeahB. Leah

Four years ago this week, we were packing up our life into a uhaul truck and a buick lucerne. We weren't exactly sure where we would live, we just believed what God told us. "I'm preparing a place for you." 

Nobody I knew then would pack up 3 children under the age of 12 and relocate 400+ miles away the way we did. We hadn't signed a lease yet.  We hadn't seen the apartment we would move in to yet. I know people do, I just don't know their stories.  God was the One we knew and our parents and friends cheered us on. 

Today, I am 31 days to the start of another new journey.  I am excited. I am expecting. I am considering. I am storing up and preparing for tomorrow. Baking extra loaves of bread and freezing them. Spending extra time in prayer and study (the way I should anyway). It feels like I'm nesting. 

I remember God repeating the word "TRANSITION" last May and I thought He was referring to one thing but He was referring to multiple items. I love that about God,  He is so multidimensional. God never plans for one thing while leaving other things vulnerable. 

It's the same way He takes care of your neighbors, family, and friends as well as you too. Your friend just bought a house at a steal, yours is coming. Your sister just landed a dope contract,  yours is coming too. I don't believe you will be homeless forever. I don't believe you will be on food stamps forever. I don't believe you will be on that job feeling trapped forever. You might think so but God's record says differently. 



You are part of God's Plan A.

Four years ago, once we got settled into our small apartment I was dealing with devastation. Today I am celebrating. This new life and old life. This new season and the old season. My journey was never God's alternative! Thing is, four years ago I thought I had become God's Plan B or J or Z. 

Today,  I pray that you lean in real close to God and share your desires while you listen to His plan. You are part of His Plan A. You are not an alternative. God always chose you!

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