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A Masterpiece in the Making

Alexis A. Goring

A devotional written by Alexis A. Goring

“God takes the broken pieces that Satan leaves behind and makes MASTERPIECES.” ~Pastor Pranitha Fielder.

Shattered. Broken. Devastated.

We’ve all been there or will be there at one point in our lifetime. If you manage to go through life without ever experiencing pain then that is not normal. Just like a character said in the movie “The Shack”, if you’re looking for a pain-free life, you’re not going to find one.

We live in a pain-filled world because it is a sin-filled world, which results in pain, heartbreak, devastation and despair entering our life stories.

No one escapes this life on Earth without some form of pain. It happens to you at least once in your lifetime—whether it is a broken arm or a broken heart, you will experience pain.

So when you experience pain, what can you do? You can turn to your Creator (God) and ask Him to help you get through the tough times. He can soothe your broken mind, repair your heart, and restore your life. If it’s a physical or emotional pain, He can work through others for your benefit. People like counselors, doctors, first responders, physical therapists, etc. are here on Earth to help you heal.

Recently, I was talking to someone and they told me that nobody’s perfect, we all have something to work on. Before she could continue speaking, the title of this devotional “A Masterpiece in the Making” downloaded into my mind and I had to end the phone conversation immediately and start writing this devotional because I realized that God just downloaded inspiration to my brain and He never wants me to keep His messages to myself. So here I am, writing this message to you in hope of encouraging your heart!

I titled this devotional “A Masterpiece in the Making” because if you are a human on planet Earth and you’ve decided to follow Jesus Christ then you my dear friend, are a masterpiece in the making!

I want to encourage you to not give up when pain or problems enter your life. But instead, turn to God. He is in control and He will help you.

Did you know that God truly believes that you are His masterpiece? He clearly states that truth in the Bible. Here’s the verse in Ephesians 2:10 (NLT): “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”

So now that you know that you are God’s special creation, His masterpiece, embrace this truth and be encouraged! God will never ever leave you. He loves you too much to leave you broken, shattered and devastated. He only wants to lift you up and save your soul. He loves you with all of His divine heart!

If you’re a perfectionist like me, then you may worry over things or situations in your life that are far from perfect. I’m here to tell you today to let go and let God. Trust Him to work with you on the areas in your life that need improvement. Trust Him to work it all together for your good (Romans 8:28). Allow God to make you into the original masterpiece that He knew you were before you even were aware of it. God knows how to look at rubble and see a diamond. But He does more than see your potential; He helps you to grow into it, which is why all who follow Christ are a masterpiece in the making!

Remember, when God starts making a masterpiece, he carries it to completion just like He promises in Philippians 1:6. Click here to read the lyrics to the song “He Who Began A Good Work in You” by Steve Green and watch a video about the song by clicking here.

I hope that you are encouraged by this devotional. May God bless your dear heart! Always remember that He loves you and He will never leave you (Hebrews 13:5) and that you, my dear friend, are His masterpiece!


Alexis A. Goring is a passionate writer with a degree in Print Journalism and an MFA in Creative Writing. She loves the art of storytelling and hopes that her stories will connect readers with the enduring, forever love of Jesus Christ.

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