By HUSTLE we mean:
Pray ugly prayers
Fast often
Serve others
Obey God's written & spoken word
Listen actively
Feed the hungry
Be a good steward over your mind/body/soul
Look for ways to love others
Read your bible
Confront demons
Don't stop praying
Be kind
Be gentle
Live the fruit of the spirit
Pray often
Resist oppression
Care for the widow & single parent
Dig up the roots to weeds in your garden
And rest on the 7th day (Sabbath)
Too many Christ loving, Christ serving people get caught up in the game. Hustling to keep our dream alive meanwhile our relationship with Christ suffers. Remember in a previous post I talked about moving forward 1st then praying for God's blessing over the endeavor vs praying first and waiting to hear God's answer about the endeavor.
There is nothing wrong with working hard! Please don't misunderstand the focus of today's message. We were taught in the Garden of Eden to work hard. God works hard all day e'ryday. We, Christ followers are expected to work hard but if our hard work is not rooted, grounded, and led according to God's plan then our work is in vain.
If we are working hard on a project that The Lord has not directed us to produce. If we are hard at work on a degree that God has not instructed us to pursue. If we are busting our butts to achieve a certain status but it is not the portion God has served us, then what are we doing? Working in vain. Let us be careful to work hard on the things that The Lord has set before us, let's work hard on the missions He has called us to. The truth is, our lives would be more meaningful and eternal if we plow the fields that Yahweh, The Creator of the entire universe and beyond has sent us to work on. Let's get beyond this self-centered hustling, working hard to look and sound good; or attempting to tackle a million and one projects to appear successful! God may have a million and one projects for us to complete, but if He is calling us to those projects then please know they will be completed in excellence and they will last forever. Be prayerful and watchful enough to know the difference!
Let us Hustle hope, faith, and love until you are sure about the work that He has called you to do specifically. Hustle resistance against oppression. Hustle to serve others. And as you pray and listen to God I am certain that He will reveal His purpose for you and when He does then you Hustle in your pursuit for that thing until your very last breath on earth!
#pray #love #listen #community #serveothers #LoveGodLovePeople #listen #fast #prayfast #rest #biblestudy #keepgoing #HealthyMindBodySoul #NoMoreDoubt #RISE #RiseVideoDiary #DontStop #JesusTaughtUs #Discipleship #FollowingGod #TrustGod #saltifeandlove #bethesalt #bethelife #bethelove #listen #FruitofTheSpirit