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DAY 16|It's Already Done!

Leah Burgess

I know that God hears my prayers. But what do I do with the time between saying the prayers and seeing the manifestation? Waiting is not easy at all. There are so many variables. There is my past experiences that may mirror the exact same prayer i'm praying right now. My fears that I must combat in order to have faith that God is working this out. And then there is noticing how quickly things seem to move for other people while i'm just sitting here waiting.

I have been there, more than once. The waiting is extremely uncomfortable. Why can't God just do it RIGHT NOW!? Or yesterday for that matter!

Because God is God. God is not accountable to me or you. God is sovereign. I do know for sure that everything that God does is for our good and His glory!

Nothing I can say will change your mind. I can only share that waiting can do the following for you - if you allow God to do it.

  1. Can change your perspective on what God's blessings really are.

  2. Create opportunities for you to grow and mature on levels you wouldn't dream of.

  3. Shift your prayer life.


God hears us and we know He will answer us - we just need to wait for the answer.

You can do it. Just think there are millions of people around the world waiting for the same thing - answered prayer.


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