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I am waiting & sometimes I don't feel like it! I just want it now! I want the blessing now! I want the income now! I want the privilege of walking into the mall for no particular purpose and being able to make purchases based on what I like vs. what I need! I want to be able to hop in my new car and take a road trip or weekend get-a-way with my family whenever we feel like it! Ugggggh waiting is uncomfortable!

I was released from a job that I believe God handpicked for me in August. I have had the beautiful opportunity of picking up a couple of contracts since that release. In this season I have been afraid, worried, depressed, scared, calm, annoyed, ready, anxious, and learning how to Trust God!

Today I stand tall in the power shared with me from Jesus Christ. I feel powerful. I feel strong. I don't mind waiting on this. I don't mind waiting for the Lord!

While I continue to wait i'll be doing the following:

Enjoying my time home



Praising God in the hallways

Crocheting scarves


Fundraising to give away 65 turkeys

Loving my family

Catching up on netflix


Worshiping God

Trusting God



Being Still

It is so easy to get stuck in a funk when we are "waiting for the goods". Fight with everything you have to be encouraged and to wait with God's courage! We can do this y'all! We can wait for the very amazing, awesome, wonderful, and perfect thing(s) from God!


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