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pray together - slay together

b. leah

That moment when you workout together! This Memorial Day morning Che & I walked 2 miles together in our home (I started before he did - so I actually walked 3 miles). Then we were joined by our eldest Dance, and twin sons Michael & Gabriel as we got on the floor to do some ab work.

Here's the URL for our workout this morning

These few moments together were everything! We recorded the entire workout on facebook LIVE. It was encouraging, fun, and definitely a great family bonding moment! I hope we have more moments like this (daily).

New challenge for June 2016! Walk, Bike, Swim, Hike, or Run 100 miles during the month of June. That's getting in at least 3.33miles/day. Are you down? Let us know in the comments. We are fighting against the spirit of obesity & slaying every demon that comes against all of us concerning our health!

Move Your Body more than you did yesterday!

Eat cleaner today!

Drink more water today!

Love your body now!


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