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day 22


I decided to take the plunge 21 days ago.

Because I was desperate to see a difference in how I live.

Because God said i was a #newcreature

I have heard that it takes 21 days to change or start a new habit. Today is day 22 and i think my focus is changing! I have for such a long time just wanted to lose weight and look like the woman i dream about (me only smaller and fit). But it is very possible that today my focus just shifted.

It is very possible on this 22nd day of May that my focus is to be obedient and #weightloss is the reward!!! Just like when i'm obedient in tithing and offering the windows of heaven open as a reward! Just like when I honor my parents - living a long life is the reward (10 commandments paraphrase)!

Weightloss is the reward of being obedient (being a good steward over my body) to God!

WOW - i think God just gave me the juice to crack the code!




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