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Ché & Leah

We never intended for our photoshoot with Create It Photography to be our BEFORE pictures but they indeed are! We have no idea how eating clean and being more intentional with moving more is going to benefit us. But we do know that those two things combined are the way to a longer LIFE.

Leah has lost over 70lbs (5/1/12-1/23/2015) but also gained about 20lbs throughout 2015. Ché has lost over 40lbs in the course of the 6 years in marriage to Leah but has packed that weight back on.

We know that transitions can create disruptions in weightloss. We've seen our fair share of transitions in 2015. We are in covenant to being better stewards over our bodies and being accountability partners for each other.

Are you doing anything different with your body this year? What prompted you?

Weightloss is important but it stems from a much heavier root. Food has been an idol in our lives! Leah admits to having used food as a source of comfort, an activity when she is bored or the main event when it's time to celebrate! Ché identifies portion size as his biggest issue. We no longer want to be spiritually malnourished and phsyicallly obese! We want to seek God for our help, joy, companionship, and adventure.

One major difference this time around for us is that Ché lead the charge for a healthier us! We started out this year doing a green smoothie cleansing process that Leah found out about via JJ Smith.

This is our BEFORE. We are working hard for the AFTER!

Stay tuned for more posts, periscopes and photos our instagram as we continue on this #HealthLIFE2016

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